When Celebrating: Midsommar!
2:02 PM
I hosted a little Midsommar last night with my lovely new German friend, it's such a blessing to meet new people in this bright, vibrant city. Especially ones who agree to wear midsommerkrans enthusiastically. My family didn't start embracing our Swedish heritage until I was pretty much grown, as my mother's Swedish family was pretty much all in the US (Michigan) or gone, but during Christmas and Easter and Midsommar, we often had Swedish embassy events to go to and I learned to love the food and the traditions that accompany what are now my favourite days of the year.
...So when Midsommar rolled around, I made some gravlax, pulled out my endless store of rye read, stocked up on strawberries, potatoes and schnapps and invited a new friend over for food and drinks until the sun set (way to early but it's the mid-Atlantic, what are ya gonna do?)
It was intimate but I had a magical time- just like you're supposed to!
So, does anyone else do a Midsommar in America?